Latest World News - Useless to India!
U.S. man who aided Mumbai plotters sentenced to 35 years in prison.
This is a wrong Verdict in my view though it is right to the world view.
Reuters) - David Headley, an American who admitted scouting targets for the 2008 Islamic militant raid on Mumbai and later agreed to testify against the plotters to avoid the death penalty, was sentenced on Thursday to 35 years in prison.
He is the Brain and Man behind the crime is well addressed at Court at United States. So United States in good relation with India ,must have asked Indian Officers to Investigate him by India and to take him to India. This 35 years imprisonment is may be a drama.why because he is in wanted to India. US is a friendly Nation and US Government by Mr.Barack Obama and Supreme court at United States must Handed over this Criminal to Indian Government. .because he is a American Islam US GOVERNMENT NOT TO DENY/REFUSE TO HAND OVER HIM TO INDIA.
an American who admitted scouting targets for the 2008 Islamic militant raid on Mumbai,all right, Mr.Headley was not admitted the crime at Supreme court of India.
so He must be handed over to India. Though he is a American he must not be given safety in the name of imprisonment.
we Indians wish to say How US Army under the guidence of Mr.Barack Obama could able to kill Bin Laden a Terorist in the world at Pakistan ,we Indian humbly request Union Government to arrange any method to grab this Headley to Bring Him to India. Indian Government must think and react on this and may apply any technique to bring down this Brutal American to submit at Supreme court of India is a must.
U.S. man who aided Mumbai plotters sentenced to 35 years in prison.
This is a wrong Verdict in my view though it is right to the world view.
Reuters) - David Headley, an American who admitted scouting targets for the 2008 Islamic militant raid on Mumbai and later agreed to testify against the plotters to avoid the death penalty, was sentenced on Thursday to 35 years in prison.
He is the Brain and Man behind the crime is well addressed at Court at United States. So United States in good relation with India ,must have asked Indian Officers to Investigate him by India and to take him to India. This 35 years imprisonment is may be a drama.why because he is in wanted to India. US is a friendly Nation and US Government by Mr.Barack Obama and Supreme court at United States must Handed over this Criminal to Indian Government. .because he is a American Islam US GOVERNMENT NOT TO DENY/REFUSE TO HAND OVER HIM TO INDIA.
an American who admitted scouting targets for the 2008 Islamic militant raid on Mumbai,all right, Mr.Headley was not admitted the crime at Supreme court of India.
so He must be handed over to India. Though he is a American he must not be given safety in the name of imprisonment.
we Indians wish to say How US Army under the guidence of Mr.Barack Obama could able to kill Bin Laden a Terorist in the world at Pakistan ,we Indian humbly request Union Government to arrange any method to grab this Headley to Bring Him to India. Indian Government must think and react on this and may apply any technique to bring down this Brutal American to submit at Supreme court of India is a must.
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