Why Their is No Huge Revenue from Book's sellers and Publisher's? a possible way to convert Black Money to White Money!
Yes, It is a surprise!, Look at the sale Volume in Money ? In the Recent Book Fair for 13 Days held informing people that the Book Fair had more than One Lakh people turn every day and sale was More than One Crore/Ten Million ,and their by the Book Fair proudly informed that it had a huge sale Money of more than 12 Crore or 120 Millions in Just 13 Days!.
Now let us hear what people talk say?
People talk say, the area in which Book Fair took place has lesser Possibility of more than One Lakh People every day? and
Book Fair may be used by Black Money Holder's ,and few may ask many to go and Buy Book's even if they do not to know read ,why because to convert Black Money in to White account!
Yes ,this is also a True possibility!.
Already their is a strong information say that People interest in Buying Book's and Reading Books got Reduced Drastically why because Maximum People Now use Internet for their Knowledge and information's.
Also it gives a message, that Book sellers/shops like Higginbatham and others were may get a Huge Turn Over on every day ,so Huge Tax revenue is a possibility to Government!.
Now it is the Turn to Government to react positively to get Huge Revenue to Government is also a people Talk!.
Yes, It is a surprise!, Look at the sale Volume in Money ? In the Recent Book Fair for 13 Days held informing people that the Book Fair had more than One Lakh people turn every day and sale was More than One Crore/Ten Million ,and their by the Book Fair proudly informed that it had a huge sale Money of more than 12 Crore or 120 Millions in Just 13 Days!.
Now let us hear what people talk say?
People talk say, the area in which Book Fair took place has lesser Possibility of more than One Lakh People every day? and
Book Fair may be used by Black Money Holder's ,and few may ask many to go and Buy Book's even if they do not to know read ,why because to convert Black Money in to White account!
Yes ,this is also a True possibility!.
Already their is a strong information say that People interest in Buying Book's and Reading Books got Reduced Drastically why because Maximum People Now use Internet for their Knowledge and information's.
Also it gives a message, that Book sellers/shops like Higginbatham and others were may get a Huge Turn Over on every day ,so Huge Tax revenue is a possibility to Government!.
Now it is the Turn to Government to react positively to get Huge Revenue to Government is also a people Talk!.
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